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July 2, 2024

Datasets API v2

Picture Marc KlingenMarc Klingen

Introduction of the new Datasets API v2 with improved performance for large datasets. Also, now all datasets-related objects are directly accessible via the API.

This new API powers the get_dataset()/getDataset() method in the SDKs and added get_dataset_runs()/getDatasetRuns() to retrieve all runs of a dataset.

Upgrade to the latest SDK versions to benefit from the new API routes or use the directly.

New routes

V2 replacing existing routes

  • GET /api/public/v2/datasets/{datasetName}
  • GET /api/public/v2/datasets
  • POST /api/public/v2/datasets

V1 routes are still available but will be deprecated in the future.

Net new routes

  • GET /api/public/dataset-items
  • GET /api/public/datasets/{datasetName}/runs

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