Are there any limits to the Langfuse API?

While the Langfuse API is extremely open and flexible, there are some limits to ensure the stability and performance of the platform.

Langfuse Cloud

If you run into unexpected limits or need to increase your limits, please reach out to us via the chat widget.


5MB per request and 5MB per response

Rate Limits

Rate limits are applied per-organization.

Tracing. Batched /ingestion and /otel endpoints used by SDKs and integrations to ingest traces.1,000 req/min4,000 req/min20,000 req/min
Legacy Tracing. Legacy ingestion endpoints.100 req/min400 req/min400 req/min
Prompts. GET APIs used to fetch prompts for use in applications.No limitNo limitNo limit
Metrics. GET APIs used to fetch analytics data, e.g. daily metrics api.10 req/day20 req/day200 req/day
API. All other APIs.20 req/min100 req/min1,000 req/min

Rate limit response

  • HTTP status code 429
  • Retry-After response header with the number of seconds to wait before retrying

Self-hosted instances

No hard limits, depends on your infrastructure capacity and load-balancer configuration.

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